Miss Bryony Jones

Consultant obstetrician

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Maternity services

Bryony Jones


Miss Bryony Jones graduated from Imperial College London having trained in teaching hospitals in London and in Sydney, Australia. In 2010, she was awarded an MD from the University of London for her research into novel treatments to prevent preterm delivery.

Miss Jones is a sub-specialist in fetal and maternal medicine having trained at Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital where she now practices as a consultant.

Miss Jones' particular areas of interest include diagnostic fetal ultrasound. Miss Jones is also a recognised specialist in maternal medicine and one of the lead obstetricians for pregnant women with diabetes at Queen Charlotte's.


Caesarean births, Natural births, Antenatal care, Preconception care, Pregnancy after loss and miscarriage, Pregnancy care following IVF

Research & publications

Prevention of preterm labour, diabetes and pregnancy.