Our head and neck cancer service team includes consultants, clinical nurse specialists and maxillofacial prosthetists.

Consultant ENT surgeons

Mr Peter Clarke
Mr Alasdair Mace

Consultant plastic surgeons 

Mr Simon Wood
Mr Navid Jallali

Consultant oncologists

Dr Simon Stewart
Dr Sarah Partridge

Consultant dental surgeon 

Miss Sarah Howells

Consultant radiologists 

Dr Maneesh Patel
Dr Gitta Madani 

Consultant head and neck/maxillofacial prosthetist

Miss Sarah Jones

Head and neck Macmillan nurse specialist 

Teresa Gascoyne (for patients having radiotherapy or chemotherapy) 

Head and neck clinical nurse specialist

Catherine Lyons (for patients having surgery)

Head and neck and thyroid Macmillan clinical nurse specialist

Claire Nugent

Speech therapists

Margaret Coffey
Lee Bolton

Oral clinician/specialist dentist

Mrs V. Coghlan


Suzanne Evans

MDT coordinator

Lillie Shahabi