Find out what to expect when you come to hospital for your appointment.

Before your appointment

You can expect to receive an appointment six to eight weeks after we receive your referral. We occasionally offer assessments via phone prior to appointments. You are welcome to bring a relative, close friend or carer with you to your appointment. You are also welcome to ask for a chaperone and we will endeavour to provide one for you.

We suggest you wear comfortable clothing that is easy to remove to your appointment, as you may need to have an examination. You should come to your appointment with a comfortably full bladder, as a nurse will need to take a urine sample before you see the doctor. It would be helpful if you could bring the following to your appointment:

  • Your full address and telephone number(s)
  • Your appointment card and appointment letter
  • Your GP’s name and address
  • Money to pay for any prescriptions, or an exemption card
  • A list of questions you may want to ask the nurse or doctor
  • Any completed questionnaires and your bladder diary

During your appointment

Please check in at the self-service kiosk or reception desk and wait to be called. Waiting times are typically 30 minutes, but could be more than that. Most outpatient appointments take 10 to 15 minutes, but if you come to hospital for a urodynamic test, your appointment will take about one hour.

Please note that we are a teaching hospital, so medical students may be present for some appointments. If you do not wish to have them in the room please let the nurse or doctor know and the students will be asked to step outside.

At your first appointment you will be seen by one of the doctors in the urogynaecology team who will take a detailed history of your symptoms and examine you to assess your problem.

Sometimes we ask you to complete a validated questionnaire about your symptoms before you see the doctor. Depending on the findings and severity of your problem, the doctors will arrange for you to have some tests. This may include an ultrasound scan, MRI scan or a special bladder test called urodynamics.

After your appointment

After a consultation or test, the findings will be discussed with you, along with appropriate treatment options. We may refer you to a physiotherapist or a continence advisor for conservative management of your condition. If this is the case, a follow-up appointment will be arranged according to your investigations and condition. Occasionally, we offer phone follow-ups after appointments.

Patient information leaflets: