Find out what to expect when you come to hospital for your appointment at the neuroendocrine tumours service.

Before your appointment

We see patients within one week for an outpatient appointment and four weeks for elective treatment after completion of all diagnostic procedures.

You are welcome to bring a relative, close friend or carer with you to your appointment.

In general there is no preparation needed for your appointment. If you are having a special investigation that does need preparation you will be notified.

Please bring with you a list of medications you are currently on and all substantial medical reports.

During your appointment

When you arrive for your first appointment please go to the outpatient department and check-in using our self check-in kiosks.

Please note that we are a teaching hospital, so medical students may be present for some appointments. If you do not wish to have them in the room please let the nurse or doctor know and the students will be asked to step outside.

During your appointment your consultant will review your case, discuss a management plan and book appointments for imaging and interventions. You will have a physical examination and standard blood tests.

After your appointment

Your results can be expected in four to six weeks and a follow-up appointment will be scheduled.

Macmillan navigators

As part of the Macmillan Cancer Support and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust partnership, we’ve introduced the Macmillan cancer navigators service.

Macmillan navigators offer a single phone contact for all cancer patients. They can help with booking appointments, accessing local support services and finding answers to any questions. Please call the Macmillan navigators team with any questions you have about your cancer care. Learn more about Macmillan navigators