Find out what to expect when you come to hospital for your appointment at the liver cancer service.

Before your appointment

You will receive your appointment within two weeks of referral and it is imperative that you attend. Please be aware that though this may require you to alter plans at the last minute, it is essential that we begin investigations and treatment if necessary as soon as possible.

We encourage you to bring a partner, relative, close friend or carer to your appointments, as you will need to discuss your condition, which could mean discussing good or bad news. This extra support is helpful as it is often difficult to recall all the information you have been given on your own.

It would be helpful if you could bring the following to your appointment:

  • Your full address and telephone number(s)
  • Your appointment card and appointment letter
  • Your GP’s name and address
  • A list of questions you may want to ask your consultant

During your appointment

Your initial consultation will last approximately 30 minutes to an hour. During your initial appointment we will discuss your medical history in detail, perform a focussed examination and take some blood tests to assess how well your liver is functioning. To examine your liver in more detail you will undergo some further tests in our imaging department, which will consist of a combination of two types of imaging, including ultrasound, CT scan or MRI. On rare occasions it may be necessary to also perform a biopsy.

After your appointment

Your consultant and the medical team will discuss with you and your family any decisions made by the multidisciplinary team, and will answer any questions you have on the benefits and risks of each of your treatment options. Feel free to contact the Macmillan nurse, Sharon Taffurrelli, if you have any further questions regarding your treatment or condition. Sharon can be contacted on 020 8383 1533.

Macmillan navigators

As part of the Macmillan Cancer Support and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust partnership, we’ve introduced the Macmillan cancer navigators service.

Macmillan navigators offer a single phone contact for all cancer patients. They can help with booking appointments, accessing local support services and finding answers to any questions. Please call the Macmillan navigators team with any questions you have about your cancer care. Learn more about Macmillan navigators.