Find out what to expect when you come to hospital for your appointment at the germ cell and testicular cancers service.

Before your appointment

You can expect to receive your appointment within seven days of referral. It is imperative that you attend your first appointment. Please be aware that though this may require you to alter plans at the last minute, it is essential that we begin investigations and treatment if necessary as soon as possible.

We encourage you to bring a partner, relative, close friend or carer to your appointments, as you will need to discuss your condition, which could mean discussing good or bad news. Please wear comfortable loose-fitting clothes, as you may need to undress in order for some investigations or examinations to be performed. If you’ve had any scans in the past, please bring those (on disks if possible) as well as a list of any medications you are taking.

During your appointment

When you arrive for your appointment, please check in at the reception desk. Waiting times are typically 30 to 45 minutes, and most appointments take about 30 minutes.

Please note that we are a teaching hospital, so medical students may be present for some appointments. If you do not wish to have them in the room please let the nurse or doctor know and the students will be asked to step outside.

During your appointment, you will speak to the consultant. You will discuss the results of any tests you may have had, as well as the next steps in your care. You may also need to have blood tests or imaging done, either on the same day or another time.

After your appointment

You will be given a follow-up appointment to further discuss your care as well as any test results. The follow-up appointment may be as soon as the following week.

Macmillan navigators

As part of the Macmillan Cancer Support and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust partnership, we’ve introduced the Macmillan cancer navigators service.

Macmillan navigators offer a single phone contact for all cancer patients. They can help with booking appointments, accessing local support services and finding answers to any questions. Please call the Macmillan navigators team with any questions you have about your cancer care. Learn more about Macmillan navigators.

Patient information leaflets