You will be cared for by a team of doctors, specialist nurses, a pharmacist, phlebotomists, health care assistants and administration staff.

The transplant consultants in clinic are:

Dr Adam McLean 
Dr Eleanor Sandhu
Dr Emma Salisbury
Dr Gaetano Lucisano
Dr Lina Nikolopoulou
Dr Marina Loucaidou 
Dr Michelle Willicombe
Dr Neill Duncan 
Dr Philip Webster
Dr Rawya Charif
Dr Richard Corbett

The transplant surgeons in clinic are:

Mr Anand Muthusamy
Mr Frank Dor
Mr Paul Herbert
Miss Bynvant Sandhu
Mr Rowland Storey
Professor Vassilios Papalois 

The nurses in the transplant clinic are:

Caroline Clerkin
Sunada Padaruth
Janine Reyes
Siane Simioni
Katie Tansey (lead nurse)
Rafael Santiago
Dejin Yang
Jo Reed (specialist nurse for diabetes)

The pharmacist is: Dawn Goodall

Contact details for the transplant clinic: 020 3313 4268
Contact details for the transplant clinic appointments: 0203 313 8333.
Contact details for RAU: 020 3313 6603/04.