Our commitment is underpinned by our four values and behaviours (Kind, Expert, Collaborative and Aspirational).

Our range of toolkits provide you with the support to understand and challenge discrimination. They are designed to be accessible to everyone, so no previous knowledge of equality, diversity and inclusion is required.

On this page:


Toolkit: Microaggressions toolkit

The aim of our microaggression toolkit is to help you to understand what microaggressions are and how to challenge them


The toolkit contains examples of microaggressions, with a specific focus on race, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity – plus bitesize resources and activities that you can do alone or with others.
It is designed to be accessible to everyone, so no previous knowledge of microaggressions or equality, diversity and inclusion is required.

If you have any questions, please contact the equality, diversity and inclusion Team at imperial.inclusion@nhs.net

Toolkit: Talking about Race

Talking about race
The aims of our Talking about Race toolkit is to make it easier to talk about race with your colleagues, and provides questions for you to reflect on.



Toolkit: Being an ally

Being an ally
The aims of our being an ally toolkit to explain what an ally is and how you can be one. There are also some suggestions on how to be an ally to particular groups

We also have a host of further reading which can help to support you understanding on issues faced by our different staff groups.

How to use our toolkits

If you unsure how to use our toolkits please take a look at our How to guide toolkits.

If you have any questions, please contact the equality, diversity and inclusion Team at imperial.inclusion@nhs.net