The Imperial RPF and IgG4-RD service provides multidisciplinary care for patients in north west London and accepts referrals from elsewhere in the country.

Kidney doctors work in close partnership with a wide range of fellow specialists (including radiologists, urological and vascular surgeons, rheumatologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, histopathologists and respiratory doctors) to provide a well-rounded approach to managing these complex conditions,

We also conduct research projects in RPF and IgG4-RD with colleagues from Imperial College London.

What is RPF?

RPF, or retroperitoneal fibrosis, is a condition of uncertain cause that can cause inflammation (heat, pain and swelling) and scarring around or near to the major blood vessel (aorta) that supplies blood from to the abdomen and legs. Sometimes, RPF occurs in association with IgG4-RD; an alternative inflammatory condition.

Further information can be found at the Renal Association website 

What is IgG4-RD?

IgG4-RD or immunoglobulin 4 related disease is another condition that causes inflammation and scarring in many different sites in the body, including but not always RPF. Other common sites for IgG4-RD lumps to appear are the lymph nodes and glands around the head and neck, the chest, the liver and pancreas, kidneys and RPF (as above), although almost any part of the body can be affected.

Further information can be found at the American College of Rheumatology 

Learn about other peoples’ experiences

An active online international RPF community organised by RPF patients and their families 

This includes online postings and chats that are themed for people to openly discuss their experiences with fellow RPF sufferers.

An un-officiated but well-established Facebook public group 

Team member details

Many of our specialty doctors share an interest in IgG4-RD and provide input into cases according to the pattern of disease any person may have.

Consultant Nephrologists (Kidneys):

  • Dr James Tomlinson (Lead point of contact)
  • Prof Frederick Tam
  • Consultant Radiologist (Imaging and Nuclear Medicine): Dr Tara Barwick

Consultant Rheumatologists (Immunity and Inflammation):

  • Prof Justin Mason
  • Dr Taryn Youngstein

Consultant Endocrinologist (Hormones):

  • Dr Florian Wernig

Consultant Gastroenterologist

  • Dr Natalie Phillips
  • Dr Chris Wadsworth

Consultant Urological Surgeons (Urine system)

  • Ms Norma Gibbons
  • Mr David Hrouda
  • Mr Tamer El-Husseiny


Clinics:  First Tuesday of every month (with multi-disciplinary meetings to discuss cases)

Address:  Renal Outpatients Department, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London  W12 0HS

Hours:  09:00 – 13:00

Contact information: FAO Dr James Tomlinson

Clinic contact number:  0203 3135164