If you are a sex worker our experienced team offer free and confidential sexual health team support.

What we do

We provide free and confidential sexual health services for all people who work in the sex industry, regardless of your nationality. We make a commitment to you to be discreet and respectful in relation to all aspects of your life.

If you have symptoms and would like to be seen by a clinician, please call 020 3312 1225 to book an appointment.

If you would like a regular sexual health screen, you can order a home testing kit on Sexual Health London (SHL)  or SH:24 or find a sexual health clinic near you.

If you would like a check-up but live in a borough that is not participating in the Sexual Health London  scheme, you can find your local sexual health service either through SH24 or NHS.uk.

Services and support available

We offer the following services:

  • vaccinations against hepatitis B
  • free condoms and contraception, including long-acting methods
  • free emergency contraception
  • appropriate advice on sexual heath at work and home, and information about sexual infections and how to prevent them
  • confidential testing and check-ups for STIs including HIV
  • post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure (PEP)
  • pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medication that people who are at very high risk of catching HIV, can take to prevent HIV and is now available on the NHS

Further online resources

  • SASH - sexual health support in London - free, confidential, non-judgemental, holistic support to improve your sexual health
  • IUSW The International Union of Sex Workers (IUSW) campaigns for the human, civil and labour rights of those who work in the sex industry.
  • UK Network of Sex Worker Projects (UKNSWP): The UKNSWP recognises and supports the rights of individual sex workers to self-determination, including the right to remain in sex work or leave sex work.
  • National Ugly Mugs (NUM): National Ugly Mugs is a national organisation that aims to end violence against sex workers