If you are at rick of exposure to HIV, speak to the clinic for expert advice about PEP or PrEP.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a tablet that people who are at high risk of coming into contact with HIV can take in advance (before sex) to prevent HIV. PrEP is now available on the NHS free for those eligible.
Depending on the type and frequency of sex you have and your medical history there are different ways that you can take PrEP such as daily or event based (just before you plan to have sex). PrEP is extremely effective when taken correctly.
Not everyone can take PrEP, for example it is not recommended for people who are not at high risk for HIV or individuals who are already living with HIV. Also, If you have a sexual partner who is living with HIV and on treatment with an ‘undetectable’ virus level in the blood, the risk of getting HIV is zero and PrEP or PEP treatment is not recommended.
Read more about Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)
It is important to remember that PrEP will not protect you against other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as gonorrhoea or syphilis.
People who take PrEP are recommended to have three-monthly check-ups for STIs and regular kidney function checks. To read more about PrEP visit PrEP Guide.
How you can get PrEP
- if you need to start PrEP or need a PrEP follow up appointment as well as sexual health screen, please call 0203 312 1225 or book at the PROUD clinic.
If you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community, please visit our dedicated page where you can find out about the other services on offer.
Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is different to PrEP. PEP is medication taken as soon as possible (no later than 72 hour) and AFTER coming into contact with HIV reduces the chance of HIV infection by over 80 per cent.
How you can get PEP
- people needing PEP should attend a sexual health clinic as soon as possible, or if out of hours should attend accident and emergency for advice and treatment. You do not need to make an appointment for PEP at Jefferiss. Go straight to the ground floor reception during our opening hours.
- if you were exposed to HIV more than 72 hours ago and have more questions you can still book an appointment by calling 0203 312 1225. Alternatively, you can wait 45 days (window periods for HIV) and then you can test for HIV by getting an online sexual health check-up with Sexual Health London or SH24. If you live in a borough where you are not able to obtain a free online testing kit, you can find your local service either through the NHS website.

Where we are
PROUD@JW clinic
First floor
St Mary's Hospital
Winsland Mews
London W2 1NY

Opening hours
This clinic is on:
Tuesdays - 13.00 to 16.00
Wednesdays - 17.00 to 19.00
Fridays - 09.00 to12.00
For urgent problems or emergencies, please call the clinic any day Monday to Friday.

Contact us
Call: 020 3312 1225