Dialysis is usually discussed as an option with people whose kidneys are failing, so that they can make a choice as to how they wish to be treated to maintain a fulfilling life.

Some people prefer to carry out their treatments in the comfort of their own home.

There are two different types of home dialysis options:

  1. Home haemodialysis 

  2. Peritoneal dialysis: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis or automated peritoneal dialysis 


Each treatment option is dependent on the individual and the home therapies team discussing this with you in your kidney clinic.

There are a number of benefits to performing a dialysis treatment at home:

  • having dialysis in the comfort of your own home and time

  • flexibility of working around dialysis sessions

  • taking control of your own health 

  • improved feelings of self-esteem

  • fewer dialysis treatment hours 

  • enhanced energy, vitality and wellbeing observed


What happens if I am currently receiving in-centre haemodialysis and I am interested in performing this myself at home?

If you are currently having in-centredialysis, home therapies can still be an option. At our Trust, we actively promote shared care and patient engagement. 

Shared care enables patients to take a keen interest in improving their own health outcomes and promotes confidence and ownership in performing their own haemodialysis treatment. 

There are a number of ways in which patients can be active in their own dialysis treatment, such as:

  • washing hands before and after treatment
  • taking your own blood pressure before and after treatment
  • recording weight before and after dialysis 
  • preparing dialysis equipment

More information:

If you are currently receiving in-centre haemodialysis, not only is shared care an option, but you can also choose to have peritoneal dialysis as a home treatment option. Please talk to your haemodialysis consultant to refer you or speak to the renal home therapies team if you would like more information.

Please see the video below for more information on the two different types of dialysis: home haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis