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Paddington square construction works next to St Mary's Hospital
Patients and visitors to St Mary’s Hospital may experience some disruption caused by nearby construction works for the Paddington Square development (located between Praed Street and South Wharf Road). We apologise in advance for any impact these neighbouring works may have for our patients and visitors.
While the developer has put in place a range of mitigation and monitoring measures, we anticipate that there may be some disruption caused by additional noise, dust and vibration. If patients and visitors wish to raise any issues about the impact of the construction works on their care and treatment, then we would ask them to speak to our staff or contact the patient advice and liaison service (PALS).
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Line Up for the NHS comedy night
Imperial Health Charity are holding a hilarious event to help raise money for our hospitals. Line up for the NHS is back for its second performance following the success of last year’s event. World famous comedian, Russell Howard will headline…
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Bookings are now open for fertility open evening.
Bookings are now open for the next fertility open evening at 18.00 on Monday 21 October.
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NHS neurosurgeons introducing cutting-edge, mixed reality technology to improve care
Our neurosurgery team is introducing mixed reality technology into parts of their day-to-day work to improve training and patient care.
Our consultants See all consultants
Mr Abboudi Consultant urologist
Specialises in: Urology
Mr Agarwal Consultant urologist
Specialises in: Children's surgery, Urology
Dr Ahmad Consultant
Specialises in: Pathology
Mr Ahmed Consultant surgeon specialising in laparoscopic, gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery
Specialises in: Bariatric surgery, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, HPB surgery, Surgery
How we are doing
As a Trust we are monitored against national standards and targets known as performance indicators. They provide an overview of how successful we are as an organisation at delivering healthcare. They help us monitor waiting times, safety and patient experience.
Our hospitals are also regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who award ratings against five quality domains: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. Each of our sites is also awarded an overall rating. St Mary's Hospital has been awarded: Requires improvement.