Dear International Medical Graduates,

Welcome to this section of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust internet which hosts the information pack, video package and related documents which have been designed to help you prior to your arrival at the Trust.

These resources are labelled as your “pre-induction” resources, as they are most use prior to your arrival or at the very start of your employment with the Trust.

You will also be sent further information – which can be accessed via the Trusts Intranet page - once you have your Trust login nearer your start date.

We look forward to welcoming you to Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust soon, the Workforce Development team’s contact details are below. 



 Email address

 Trust induction

  Medical Staff Induction Team

 Sohaa Jamil

  Director of Medical Education for Workforce Development

 Jennifer Shelden 

 Workforce Development Programme Manager 

 Joe Gilbert  Workforce Development Medical Education Co-Ordinator

Pre-induction information

You should have received your International Medical Graduate Pre-Induction booklet as part of your on-boarding process. You can also access it here

This Glossary provides an overview of some of the many abbreviations and terms used in the NHS and at the Trust. 

Pre induction videos 

Welcome video (i’m an international medical graduate)


Finding our hospital sites


If you are out and about you can also use this PDF leaflet to guide you

Getting from site to site

The video shows how to walk from Western Eye Hospital (WEH) to St Mary’s (SMH) which take approximately 20 minutes, depending on how fast you walk!

The leaflet accompanying explains different ways you can travel between all our sites.


Finding medical HR (Charing Cross Hospital)

Finding the occupational health department (OH)

Guide to the local area

If you are out and about you can also use this PDF leaflet to guide you

London life (things to enjoy in London)


If you are out and about you can also use this PDF leaflet to guide you

Cerner for doctors: Introduction, location lists and clinical worklist



Cerner for doctors: View patient records, observations and assessments


Cerner for doctors: Orders 


Cerner for doctors: Clinical notes


Cerner for doctors: Inpatient prescriptions


Cerner for doctors: Discharge and TTAs


This PDF leaflet will also guide you and enable you to link to the videos which are published on the CERNER Vimeo platform.


What next?

As part of the on-boarding process you will receive the Trust’s corporate induction email and guide via the induction team. Please look out for the information and ensure that you attend Trust corporate induction for junior doctors.

You will receive a separate email with our induction pack and checklist, as well as information about the IMG bespoke induction session and, our buddy scheme, for those new to the NHS, nearer your start date. This information is also on our intranet page under IMGs, together with the induction video suite; you will be able to access these once you have your Trust PC login.

You will also be invited to join our Trust’s Peer Support Network on or around your start date.