Most women and their parents find this condition very difficult to accept at first and express feelings of shock, anger, depression, isolation and rejection. Many parents also feel very guilty.

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Psychology service for women with MRKH

Through our psychology service, we offer help and advice to adolescent and adult females with MRKH syndrome. We aim to provide an approachable, informed, friendly service.

Our service available to anyone attending the gynaecology outpatient clinic who has MRKH.

This condition can be very distressing and women attending the psychology service may:

  • find it difficult to adjust to their diagnosis
  • find it difficult to talk to others about MRKH
  • experience feelings of loss
  • have mood swings, for example feeling low, tearful, angry and isolated
  • have low self-esteem and self-worth
  • experience problems with sexual identity and sexual intercourse
  • experience difficulties in their relationships
  • have concerns about the treatment
  • have concerns about infertility, IVF and surrogacy

How can the psychologist help me?

The psychologist will use a range of approaches including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
and systemic therapy to help you to:

  • adjust to your diagnosis
  • manage negative thoughts and feelings
  • deal with losses in relation to fertility and sexuality
  • develop effective coping strategies
  • identify sources of support
  • What can I expect from the psychology service?

The psychologist will initially meet with you for about an hour and a half and identify any needs or concerns you have. After this meeting, if you decide that you would like to meet again, she will offer you a number of sessions. You can have between 2 and 12 appointments, each lasting about 50 minutes. It is possible to meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly. 

Attending the psychology service involves looking at difficulties in the ‘here and now’ and thinking about how to cope with these. You do not have to talk about anything that you don’t want to.

The psychologist can also work with interpreters. 

Is there anyone who is not suitable for the psychology service?

Evidence suggests that psychological support can be beneficial for women with MRKH. However, some women may find it more helpful to speak to partners, family and friends about their current difficulties and may not need a psychologist. If you live a long way from the hospital and find it difficult to attend regular appointments, the
psychologist will discuss this with you and may ask your GP to refer you to psychological services in your local area.

How can I be referred to the psychology service?

Your consultant, doctor or the clinical nurse specialist can refer you to the service when you attend your clinic appointment. Alternatively, you can ask your GP to refer to you by contacting 020 3313 5363 or by email:

Support group

At this centre we have a support group which offers encouragement for you, your parents and your partner. The group meets twice a year, in the spring and autumn. 

The meeting in the spring is usually informal and offers the opportunity to meet other girls with the same conditionm whilst the autumn meeting tends to be more formal and informative, with specialist speakers and some of our own patients who have undergone IVF surrogacy and adoption coming to share their expertise and experience with everyone.

The last support group took place in November 2021 and was held virtually.  Whilst this was very well attended there was a strong wish to return to face to face meet ups.

We are now looking to put something in place on Saturday 29th April 2023, between 14.00 and 17.00 at Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital. 

To plan the meeting with you in mind we welcome any suggestions that you may have. Are there any topics you would like us to cover? Please email us your ideas to

Please do get in touch if you would like to attend the support group.  

We will also send out a reminder nearer to the time so you can book your place.

As well as the support group, we also have a helpline and a list of patient contacts, so please feel free to call us on: 020 3313 5363whenever you have any questions or if you would like to be put in touch with other women with the same condition.

Useful Links

If you find an MRKH site which you feel has been helpful then please let us know.

Should you require further help or support do not hesitate to contact us – on 020 3313 5363 or at