
Professor Miles Stanford was educated at the University of Cambridge and King’s College Hospital. He completed his MD at Cambridge in 1986 on the topic of immunopathogenesis of uveitis. He trained in ophthalmology at St Thomas' and King's College hospitals. He was senior lecturer, reader and then professor of ophthalmology, King’s College London and honorary consultant at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust to 2010. 

He is currently professor of clinical ophthalmology and clinical lead at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. He is an honorary consultant at Western Eye Hospital, King’s College Hospital and Behcets National Centre of Excellence, Royal London Hospital.

Professor Stanford’s main clinical role is in management of ocular inflammatory disease and medical ophthalmology. He is clinical and educational supervisor chair for the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit.


Ocular infections, Behcet's disease, ocular inflammation, uveitis

Research & publications

Professor Stanford’s main academic interests are in the immunogenetics of ocular inflammatory disease and the epidemiology of rare ophthalmic disorders. He is currently involved in both commercial and non-commercial drug trials.