Mr Francis Henry Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon
- Patient age group
- Adults
- Consultant registered on
- 11/06/2016
- Gender
- Male
- Services
- Hospitals
Mr. Francis Henry has been a consultant at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust since August 2016. He graduated with first class honours in Medicine & Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and trained for over 10 years in plastic and reconstructive surgery across several units in the UK (London), USA (Boston) and Ireland (Dublin & Cork).
He commenced his surgical career in Ireland training in Dublin following graduation, achieving Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons and completing his basic surgical training as well as a year working in the plastic surgery departments at St James’s Hospital and OLHSC, Crumlin. Following this, in Boston, he worked across the departments of Plastic Surgery and Dermatology (Wellman Center for Photomedicine) holding the position of Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and Instructor in Surgery at Harvard Medical School. During this time he pursued both lab based and clinical research into optical microscopy of nerve regeneration & repair which culminated in the awarding of an MD as well as five international research awards, two plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF) grants and the Bullock-Wellman Fellowship award.
Returning from Boston, Mr. Henry completed his clinical training in London working in several large tertiary centres including St Andrew’s Centre, Broomfield, Chelmsford, The Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust and Great Ormond St Hospital. He culminated his training with a dedicated Microsurgical Fellowship at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and an Aesthetic Fellowship undertaken in London. He attained his FRCS (Plast) in 2014 and achieved specialist registration in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in 2016.
Mr. Henry has published comprehensively within the plastic surgery literature, and is actively involved in training young surgeons and students at Imperial College. He is a regular faculty member on the Imperial FRCS (plast) revision course and the Imperial Cadaveric Flap & Microsurgery Course.
His broad training and fellowships in microsurgical reconstruction and cosmetic surgery have enabled him to develop special interests within plastic surgery – these include; breast reconstruction, facial reanimation & head and neck microsurgery as well as breast, face and body contouring & rejuvenation procedures.
As a consultant at Imperial, he also supports the major trauma centre on call for lower limb trauma as well being responsible for setting up a bespoke breast reconstruction clinic at The West Middlesex University Hospital. He is proud of maintaining the high quality expected at the Trust and enjoys working holistically with patients and other specialties.