Compliments and positive feedback
We value your support and encouragement. If you’ve had a positive experience with our services, here are ways you can share your feedback:

The Daisy Awards
Patients, their families or carers can nominate nurses and midwives at our Trust, who have shown outstanding clinical skill and compassionate, for a ‘DAISY Award for Exceptional Nurses’.

Patient experience feedback following your hospital visit
You can provide anonymous feedback on your experience through our survey, known as the Friends and Family Test. After your treatment, we'll send you a link to the survey. If you haven't received it, you can complete it here:

Review our care on the website
You can leave a review of our services on the website. Search or navigate to the page for the hospital or service you visited, and click on ‘reviews and ratings’ and ‘review this hospital yourself’.
Concerns and complaints
We aim to provide the best care, but we know we don’t always get it right. If you have a concern or complaint, here are ways you can let us know:
Raising a Concern
The quickest way to resolve an issue is often to speak to the staff who are caring for you or your relative. If you’ve waited a long time at an outpatient appointment, for example, tell the nurse in charge.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to the staff or are not happy with the action taken, our PALS team offers support, advice, and information to help resolve your concerns.

Call for concern
For patients who are concerned that ward staff aren’t recognizing that a patient’s condition may be getting worse. This service is only for patients staying in our hospitals.

Making a formal complaint
If your concerns are not resolved informally, you can make a formal complaint.
General feedback and comments
Your feedback helps us improve our services. Share your thoughts with us:

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
If you have a patient concern or wish to share a suggestion, our PALS team is here to offer information about our services, resolve issues informally, and gather feedback to improve our services.

Patient experience
You can provide anonymous feedback on your experience through our survey, known as the Friends and Family Test. After your treatment, we may send you a link to the survey.
Other useful links:

Health records
Your health records (also known as patient or medical records) are a log of your health and the treatment you have received from the NHS. We hold this information to ensure you receive the best possible care now and in the future.

Contact and find us
There are various ways to get in touch with us. Please ensure you select the correct hospital or health centre for your visit, as our facilities can be expansive, and navigating them may require some time.