Continued progress for Imperial College Healthcare in 2022 NHS staff survey

We had our highest ever overall response rate at 56 per cent, up from 42 per cent in 2021 and significantly above the median of 44 per cent for all acute trusts in the latest survey. And we scored highly on the themes ‘we are a team’ and ‘staff engagement’.
We also scored well for staff saying care of patients is their organisation’s top priority, up from 80 to 82 per cent compared with a drop in the average for all acute trusts, from 76 to 74 per cent. We are now nine percentage points above the acute trust average for staff who would recommend their organisation as a place to work and 11 percentage points above the average for staff who would be happy with the standard of care provided by their organisation for a friend or relative.
However, while our score for the theme ‘we work flexibly’ stayed the same as in 2021, this is the one area where are we are now below the average for acute trusts. We also have much further to go to improve equality and diversity – despite a small increase in our score for this specific set of questions within the theme ‘we are compassionate and inclusive’, we remain below average for acute trusts. But there are promising signs that work over the past few years to tackle discrimination and particularly race discrimination is beginning to deliver for staff. Our score against the Workforce Race Equality Standard asking staff if they believe their organisation provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion increased by nearly four percentage points.
Commenting on the results, chief executive Professor Tim Orchard said: “Our organisation is on a journey to become kinder, more collaborative and more inclusive because we know that will mean better working lives for our staff and better care for our patients and local communities. We will only get there if we are all in it for the long haul. These results show that we are making progress, despite the continuing and incredibly challenging demands on our staff. I think that says a huge amount about our people and their commitment and, personally, makes me even more determined to achieve further change.
“I think we should take particular encouragement from increased scores for questions that relate directly to initiatives we have put in place over the past few years. That includes increased scores for questions about team working, line management and compassionate leadership that indicate our improving through people management programme, values and behaviours work and inclusive recruitment policy are setting us on the right track. We must keep our focus so that staff continue to see and feel improvement this year and in the years to come.”
You can access the full NHS staff survey 2022 results at