If you have recently received hospital treatment, you may need a follow-up appointment to check on your progress. If you have a chronic (life-long) condition, you may need regular follow-ups with your hospital team.

Our patient initiated follow-up plan - PIFU - allows you to manage your own follow-up appointments. It gives you access to book an appointment only if you need it, for example, if your symptoms worsen, flare-up or change.

This means you don’t need to attend a routine hospital appointment that you don’t need. For people with a chronic condition, PIFU may mean less frequent follow-up appointments and direct access to our clinics in between, if you need it.

How does PIFU work?

Your clinician may recommend the PIFU plan if it is safe for you to manage your own follow-up appointments. Once you and your clinician agree you should go onto a PIFU plan then your clinician will give you a list of ‘trigger’ symptoms. You should contact us to arrange an appointment if you experience any of the trigger symptoms.

How do I book a follow-up appointment?

The clinician will give you a telephone number and email address to use and this information will also be included in your outpatient appointment letter or discharge summary letter. When you contact us, you will need to provide your:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • NHS/hospital No. (please see your appointment letter)

Please say you are following a PIFU plan when you contact us

Our admin team will book an appointment for you and send you text reminders beforehand.

If you find you cannot attend your appointment please tell us in advance, so we can give it to someone else who needs it.

When not to use PIFU

If you experience any symptoms not listed in your letter or need urgent medical advice you should contact your GP or phone 111.

Please note: if you are under the care of more than one department your PIFU plan may not apply to all of them. Some departments may still send you regular follow-up appointments and it’s important that you attend these so they’re able to monitor your condition.

Patient information leaflets