A single donor can save the life of several people and improve the quality of life of many more. ​

A donation is where a person donates their organs and tissues for transplant.  A transplant can save a person's life or improve their health and quality of life.  Transplants depend entirely on the generosity of donors and their families.

 Deciding whether or not you would like to become an organ or tissue donor is something very personal. It is important that everyone makes their own decision.

Organ donation

Donations are made to people with damaged organs that need to be replaced.

Tissue donation

Tissues can be used to treat many life threatening conditions.

There are two types of donation:

  • living
  • deceased

We would strongly encourage you to make sure you discuss organ and tissue donation with your family so they understand and respect your wishes.

You may also want to consider carrying an organ donor card or recording your wishes on the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Register to donate

You can add your name to the NHS Organ Donor Register. Simply complete the form or phone 030 0123 2323.

Find out more about organ donation

We have a team of specialist nurses at our Trust who look after all aspects of organ and tissue donation with sensitivity and respect.

They will help in the event your family need to make a decision about whether you would have wanted to be an organ donor. This includes checking whether you have ever expressed a wish to donate in your lifetime. They will also help guide your family through any decisions they need to make and be on-hand to support every step of the way.

Supporting medical science

In the event you wish to donate your body for medical education training or research, it is necessary to make your wishes known in writing (and witnessed) before you die, and inform your next of kin. The minimum age for donation is 17. This is overseen by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) in the UK. For further information, visit the London anatomy office website.