Dementia care nurses write best practice guide for healthcare professionals

A new book, written by nurses at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust to help healthcare professionals looking after patients with dementia, has been published.

Excellent Dementia Care in Hospitals was written by a team of specialist dementia nurses to provide healthcare professionals with up to date information about supporting and caring for people with dementia whilst they are in hospital.

People with dementia increasingly find themselves staying in hospitals for extended periods of time, with dementia often only diagnosed on admission to hospital for a separate health issue. The book, which took six months to write, provides staff with best-practice information and innovative strategies on how to manage common issues including communication, physical health needs, pain, eating and nutrition, working with carers and relatives, understanding behaviour and approaching the end of life.

Lead nurse for dementia at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Jo James, said:

“Hospitals can be particularly disorientating and frightening places for patients with dementia so making use of specialist tools and techniques can help to reduce confusion and allow patients to feel more safe and secure.

“Through this book we wanted to share our many years of specialist experience so that anyone caring for or supporting patients with dementia in a hospital environment is able to provide the best care possible.”

The team of six specialist dementia nurses who authored the book collectively have more than 50 years’ experience caring for patients with dementia. The information and techniques in the book are used on the dementia wards at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Excellent Dementia Care in Hospitals published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers is available to buy on Amazon now. All of the royalties go to the Imperial College Healthcare charity.