Room G64, ground floor, School of Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital

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Predicting and preventing infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Understanding what factors shape how they spread in populations and the specific processes of how individual pathogens take effect are essential to tackling infectious diseases.

In the third event of the Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) seminar series, two experts will talk about their research into the spread and prevention of infectious diseases.

Neil Ferguson

The talks will be delivered by Neil Ferguson, Professor of Mathematical Biology at Imperial College London and Sarah Fidler, Professor of HIV and Communicable Diseases at Imperial College London and honorary consultant physician in HIV and GUM at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Professor Ferguson will discuss his research modelling the spread of infectious diseases, such as zika, ebola, BSE and flu. He will discuss how his analysis can help optimise both clinical and policy interventions.

Sarah Fidler

Professor Fidler will talk about her work in treating and preventing HIV both in the UK and globally. She will discuss Imperial’s role in the CHERUB collaboration, which has started a trial of a new potential cure for HIV which works by waking a ‘reservoir’ of cells infected with the sleeping virus and killing them with the immune system.

Event details: Tuesday 20 September 2016 at 12.30, room G64, ground floor, School of Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital. Refreshments to be served in the room G65b, following the presentations.

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The AHSC is a partnership between the Trust and the College which aims to translate our cutting-edge science into new diagnostics, devices and therapies as quickly as possible, for the benefit of our patients.