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Sharon Kebell, secretary


Professor Petros Nihoyannopoulos was born in Athens, Greece, and studied medicine in Strasbourg, France at the University Louis Pasteur, where he qualified in 1979. He then came to Hammersmith Hospital for post-graduate research (Royal Postgraduate Medical School 1982-84). In 1984 he was appointed specialist registrar in cardiology at Hammersmith Hospital. In 1986 he became senior registrar.

In 1988, Professor Nihoyannopoulos became a lecturer in the department of medicine for clinical cardiology and was appointed senior lecturer at Imperial College, London and honorary consultant cardiologist at Hammersmith Hospital in 1991. In 2006 he was appointed professor of cardiology at Imperial College, London.

Professor Nihoyannopoulos has published over 300 publications and has been an international key-opinion leader for echocardiography. He has also served as president in the British and European societies of echocardiography.

His main research interests are in the development of echocardiology as a first-line diagnostic option for all sorts of heart conditions. He also focuses on right heart remodelling in pulmonary hypertension and cardiomyopathies. His more recent research has included three-dimensional and deformation imaging for the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with pulmonary hypertension and heart muscle disease.


General cardiology, cardiomyopathies and inherited heart disease, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease

Research & publications

Developing echocardiology as first-line diagnostic modality for all sorts of heart conditions, prognostic indicators.