
020 3313 3326

Amal Kassem, secretary


Dr Margarita Bartsota is a consultant fetal and paediatric cardiologist at Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea, Royal Brompton and Chelsea and Westminster hospitals.

Dr Bartsota undertook her paediatric cardiology training at the Royal Brompton, Great Ormond Street and Evelina Children’s hospitals and has been awarded the European Congenital Heart Disease Echocardiography Accreditation.

Dr Bartsota is a faculty member of regular courses in congenital echocardiography and fetal echocardiography with national and international delegates.

Dr Bartsota is a fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. She is also a member of the European Association of Paediatric Cardiology and the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Paediatric and fetal cardiology

Research & publications

Cardiovascular assessment of fetus and neonate in mothers with high BMI