
Miss Bolton graduated from The National University of Ireland, Galway in 2008 and subsequently completed core surgical training in Ireland. Prior to commencing specialist training in Urology she undertook a M.D by thesis in prostate cancer molecular biology which was awarded by the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Trinity College Dublin in 2014.

Eva obtained her certificate of completion of surgical training in urology from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in July 2018. She then completed a 2 year uro-oncology fellowship in robotic and pelvic exenterative surgery at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London.

The multidisciplinary nature of this fellowship has enabled her to participate in many multi-organ resections required for complex cancer surgery. Since joining Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust she is involved in the diagnostic and management pathways of patients with bladder and renal malignancies. She offers open, laparoscopic and robotic approaches to treatment in this multi-disciplinary referral unit with a centralised MDT for complex urological cancers and advanced pelvic malignancy.



Bladder cancer diagnostics and treatment. Kidney cancer diagnostics and treatment.