Our children's speech and language therapy service is delivered at Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea and St Mary's hospitals.

Multidisciplinary feeding clinic, Hammersmith Hospital

Speech and language therapy/dietetics and clinical psychology


Children's outpatient department
Ground floor
D block
Hammersmith Hospital
Du Cane Road
London W12 0HS


Tuesdays 09.00 to 12.00

Contact information

Therapists phone: 020 3313 5802
Therapists email: annie.aloysius@nhs.net or kristy.o'connor@nhs.net
Dietetics phone: 020 3313 35805
Clinical psychology phone: 020 3313 2472

Paediatric speech and language therapy outpatient clinics, St Mary's Hospital


Outpatient paediatric department
Sixth floor
Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother (QEQM) building
St Mary’s Hospital
Praed Street
London W2 1NY

Please note: The Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother (QEQM) building is accessible via South Wharf Road.

Paediatric videofluoroscopy clinic (held Tuesday mornings), St Mary's Hospital


Imaging department
Third floor
QEQM building
St Mary’s Hospital
Praed Street
London W2 1NY

Contact information

Therapists phone: 020 3312 6938/6092
Therapists email: sandra.grosso@nhs.net or kristy.o'connor@nhs.net