Trust email to patients

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is emailing patients asking for permission to send information to them about their appointments by email rather than by post.

The Trust is offering patients the option to receive details of outpatient appointments and hospital admissions by email rather than letter. Patients who have provided email addresses to the Trust in the past, are currently being contacted by email to give them the opportunity to opt for appointment information by email or to continue receiving letters. Patients who have provided a mobile phone number will also get a text to tell them we have sent them an email.

By switching to emails patients get their appointment details more quickly and conveniently, it also allows money spent on postage to be redirected to patient care.

Patients can also opt to receive appointment details by email next time they use the check-in kiosks at the hospital. Those who change their mind can do so by unsubscribing from the emails. 

The Trust has also started sending voice reminders for around half of our outpatient appointments. Patients receive an automated phone call which allows them to confirm their identity and then listen to the details of their next appointment. This sits alongside our existing text reminder service.

For more information please contact  020 3313 5000.

Electronic patient records