Information about breast screening and details of Public Health England helpline

Some women aged between 70 and 79 are being offered the opportunity for a breast screen. The offer of a screen comes after some women did not receive an invitation for a final screen, as part of the routine NHS Breast Screening Programme, run by Public Health England.

The Breast Screening Programme usually invites women to have a screen once every three years when aged between 50 and 70 (up to their 71st birthday). This means women will usually receive their final screen sometime between their 68th and 71st birthdays.

Most women can be reassured that they will have received their final invitation but there are some women, now aged between 70 – 79 years, who have missed an invitation due to a problem which dates back to 2009.

We are very sorry this has happened and we are now offering the opportunity for a further screen. Public Health England will be writing to all affected women registered with a GP by the end of May with further information. A helpline is also available: 0800 169 2692.